Friday, February 14, 2014

One week down.....

Well, we made it through our first week of homeschool. Other than the sprained foot, it went pretty well! We took it really slow, I didn't want to overwhelm my son the first week, so we took one days worth of curriculum and broke it up over the week. Next week, we will be doing  half days and then the following week we will doing the whole curriculum as scheduled.

I have to say I am a bit amazed at the change I see in my son. Before we were homeschooling, him and his sister were always at each others throat. They were always arguing. He wanted to be out playing with his friends most of the time and it was as if he felt like he couldn't relate to his little sister. He also expressed a lot of anger here at home. He would have angry outbursts daily and was very moody. The moment he passed his last day of school he became a different child. He is happy, carefree even! He is doing what I ask willingly without argument. He is just a happy child.

What is behind this transformation? At first I thought it would  last maybe a day or so. But no, this new, happy child is still here, a week later! I think we underestimated the stress and anxiety he was going through at school. Also, he is connecting with us much more. He is sitting down and talking with us all the time now! He is being kind to his sister and telling us how much he appreciates us! It is amazing. My son has dyspraxia. And I think that he was having a level of stress and anxiety at school that we really did not even begin to understand. He acts like a weight has been lifted! It makes me feel bad for the stress he must have been feeling all this time at school.

So, this has been a good week! I am so thankful and even more certain that we made the right decision.


  1. That's fantastic that you are able to see such a quick, but lasting change in your son! It's amazing how kids can be stressed out. It's not something I would think would be a problem, but it can really impact children. My brother was definitely impacted by stress - when he was in the 7th grade, he was involved in karate, football, and advanced math. The poor kid hardly had time to finish his homework!

    Great job doing the right thing for your family!

    1. Thanks Yuliya. It just confirms that we made the right decision. =) Thanks for visiting!


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